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Polish Presidency of the EU Council Working Party

on Statistics (CWPS)

Program for the Polish Presidency within the CWPS

The Polish Presidency will continue to build on the work of the previous presidencies and will attempt to finalize the work on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics on population and housing (ESOP).

The Polish Presidency is also prepared to start the proceeding of the following dossiers:

  • Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European commercial real estate indicators (CREI),
  • Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European fishery statistics (EFAS).

Other regulations with interest for official statistics will also be monitored.

Like its predecessors, the Polish Presidency will continue to work towards modernizing the European statistics and strengthening the European Statistical System. In this respect, we consider the smooth implementation of the revision of the 223/2009 regulation on the European statistics as exceptionally important. To this end the Polish Presidency intends to provide a platform for a deep discussion on this issue and is willing to put the implementation of the revised 223/2009 regulation as a topic of the High Level Meeting planned to be held from 10 to 11 of April 2025.

The Poland, Denmark and Cyprus Presidency Trio will lead the EU Council Working Party on Statistics from 1 January 2025 to 30 June 2026. Poland starts in January 2025, then Denmark takes over from July to December 2025 and Cyprus completes the term from January to June 2026.

The Presidency Trio will collaborate closely with the European Statistical System members and with all other partners. Our plans will build on the work of previous Presidencies and aim to advance pending legislative files, including the proposals for the Regulation on fisheries and aquaculture statistics (EFAS) and the Regulation on commercial real estate indicators (CREI). The plan is flexible and will adjust to the progress in specific areas.

The Trio's goal is to address diverse user needs and use of new data sources and technologies to ensure high-quality, accurate, relevant and cost-effective European statistics following the European Statistics Code of Practice while being attentive to minimizing response burden.

The Trio partners also intend to contribute to coherent implementation of the revised 223/2009 regulation on European statistics, which provides for the extension of provisions on statistical data sources being, at the same time, a ground for more efficient statistical production.

In addition, the Presidency Trio will strive to follow developments in negotiations on non-statistical files with elements related to statistics — with the aim to inform the statistical community and facilitate the elaboration of an adequate position, if necessary.

CWPS meeting calendar

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics (Cancelled)

    Thursday, 23 January

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics

    Thursday, 20 February

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics

    Tuesday, 25 March

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics

    Tuesday, 29 April

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics

    Tuesday, 27 May

  • Meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics

    Thursday, 12 June

  • Presidency Handover PL-DK

    end of June 2025

High-Level Meeting of Directors-General and Presidents of the National Statistical Institutes of the EU and EFTA countries.

10-11 April 2025, Warsaw


Legislative dossiers

Presidency Team

In the first half of 2025, Poland will have the honour of chairing the Council of the European Union, taking on the role on January 1, as the first country of the trio Poland-Denmark-Cyprus.

The Polish Presidency team looks forward to the next six months and hopes for a fruitful cooperation with the EU Member States and European institutions.

For communication on all topics related to the Presidency the email address will be used. Should you require any information related to the Presidency feel free to contact us.

The photo shows the Presidency Team of Statistics Poland
  • The photo shows Ms. Barbara Jarosińska


    Barbara Jarosińska

  • The photo shows Ms. Anna Konwicka


    Anna Konwicka

  • The photo shows Ms. Aleksandra Miedzińska

    Aleksandra Miedzińska

  • The photo shows Ms. Olga Świerkot-Strużewska


    Olga Świerkot-Strużewska

  • The photo shows Ms. Weronika Paryszek

    Weronika Paryszek